Equity Release Calculator
Estimated available equity: £0
How much is your property worth?Please enter the approximate value of your home.
How much do you have left to pay on your mortgage?We’ll use this to calculate how much equity you have available in your home.
How old is the youngest homeowner?This affects the amount you’ll be able to release.
Equity release will involve a home reversion or a lifetime mortgage, which is secured against your property and will reduce the value of your estate and impact funding long-term care. We provide a personalised illustration to explain the full details. The money you release, plus the accrued interest is then repaid when you die or move into long-term care. Advice is required before proceeding with equity release and any existing mortgage must be repaid. We provide initial advice for free and without obligation. Only if your case completes would our advice fee of £1,895 be payable. Other lender and solicitor fees may apply.