Use this School Name Generator to find countless random school names for your next gaming adventure, story or any other kind of project. Enjoy!
Click the button to generate a school name
Next is a guide on how to use this school name generator:
- Open your web browser and navigate to the webpage that contains this HTML file.
- You will see a heading that says “Click the button to generate a school name” and a button.
- Click the “Generate” button.
- Each time you click the “Generate” button, a randomly generated school name will appear below the heading.
Now, here are three Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
- Question: Can I add more school names?
Answer: Yes, you can. Simply open the HTML file, find the ‘schoolNames’ array in the JavaScript code and add more names.
- Question: How do I change the color of the button?
Answer: You can change the color of the button by modifying the ‘background’ property in the CSS style.
- Question: How do I change the font size of the generated school name?
Answer: You can find the style of the heading in the CSS and adjust the ‘font-size’ property.