0x7 calculator

This code creates a centralized display calculator, where the buttons have gradient coloring. Each button click will add the respective number to the result; click “C” to clear all inputs; click “=” to perform the calculation and display the result.


Next is the 0x7 calculator usage tutorial:

You need to add the above code in the HTML file and then open this file in a browser. On the calculator displayed, click the number buttons to input the figures you want to calculate. Clicking the “C” button will clear all input content and reset the calculator. The “=” button will perform the calculations and display the result. This calculator can perform multi-stage operations, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Finally, here are three RFQ (Request for Quotation) questions and answers:

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0x7 calculator 3

Q1: What is a 0x7 calculator?
A1: The 0x7 calculator is a simple web application that can perform basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. It allows the user to enter an arithmetic expression in the input field, and the calculator will display the result of the expression after the “=” button is clicked.

Q2: How to use the 0x7 calculator?
A2: Click the numbers and operator buttons on the calculator to enter the mathematical expression you want to calculate. After you have finished entering, click the “=” button, and the calculator will display the calculation results. If you want to clear the entered numbers and operators, just click the “C” button.

Q3: What functionality does the 0x7 calculator have?
A3: The 0x7 calculator has basic functionalities such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and it can perform multi-stage calculations. Additionally, it has a clear feature that allows users to clear the content entered and reset the calculator to its initial state.

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