1/8 th Mile ET-MPH-HP Drag Race Calculator

1 8 th mile et mph hp drag race calculator
1/8 Mile Drag Race Calculator by girff

1/8 Mile Drag Race Calculator

Design by girff

1/8th Mile ET-MPH-HP Drag Race Calculator

Step 1: Enter Your Data

Elapsed Time (ET)Seconds
Trap Speed (MPH)Miles per Hour

Step 2: Calculate Horsepower (HP)


HP = (MPH * MPH) * 0.0325

Step 3: Results

The calculator will display the estimated horsepower (HP) based on the input elapsed time (ET) and trap speed (MPH).


  • ET: 8.00 seconds
  • MPH: 90.0 mph


  • HP = (90 * 90) * 0.0325 = 243 HP

Estimated Horsepower: 243 HP

  • 60 Foot Elapsed Time = 1.25 seconds
  • 1/8 Mile Elapsed Time = 1.67 seconds
  • 1/4 Mile Elapsed Time = 2.58 seconds
  • 1/4 Mile Trap Speed = 31.25 mph


  • This calculator provides an estimate of horsepower based on simplified equations and does not account for factors such as vehicle weight, aerodynamics, or drivetrain losses.
  • For more accurate horsepower estimates, consider using a dynamometer or other specialized testing equipment.
  • Be sure to use consistent units for elapsed time (seconds) and trap speed (mph).

What is the 1/8 mile ET-MPH-HP drag race calculator?

The 1/8 mile ET-MPH-HP drag race calculator is a tool used by drag racers to estimate their elapsed time (ET), speed (MPH), and horsepower (HP) for an 1/8 mile drag race. It takes into account various factors such as vehicle weight, tire diameter, and track conditions to provide an accurate estimate.

How accurate is the 1/8 mile ET-MPH-HP drag race calculator?

The accuracy of the 1/8 mile ET-MPH-HP drag race calculator depends on the accuracy of the input data and the assumptions made by the calculator. While it can provide a close estimate, actual results may vary based on real-world conditions and individual vehicle performance.

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