Delighted Nps Calculator

Delighted NPS Calculator

Delighted NPS Calculator

Users only need to fill in the percentage values of “Promoters” and “Detractors”, and then click the “Calculate NPS Score” button to get the NPS score.

Simple tutorial on how to use Delighted NPS Calculator:

  • In the “Promoters (Percentage)” input box, enter the percentage of your promoters (Promoters). Promoters are people who are very satisfied with your product or service and are likely to recommend it to friends or colleagues.
  • In the “Detractors (Percentage)” input box, enter the percentage of your detractors. Detractors are people who are not satisfied with your product or service and may reflect negatively on your brand.
  • Click the “Calculate NPS Score” button and the calculator will automatically refresh and display your NPS score.
  • The NPS score is the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors, with the result ranging from -100 to 100.
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